3D Blender Reference Bundle: ALL (2017)
This contains ALL of the 3D reference bundles created in 2017
- Wolf
- Fox
- Dragon
- House Cat
- Ringtail Lemur
- Sergal
Ever run into the issue where you're looking for reference images at a specific angle and can't quite find what you need? I do, all the time. So I started creating basic 3D head models for my work and now I'm making them available to you as well!
Models are Blender files.
3D Reference Bundles: Wolf, Fox, Dragon, House Cat, Ringtail Lemur, Sergal
To be used AS REFERENCE ONLY in personal and commercial projects. No credit required but is appreciated.
Credit required if:
If you are directly using the model to make something of your own, ex: customize the model, 3D print it, etc. Credit is required. Please link back.
69.8 MB
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